Void Resonance Waifu

We are a Military RP community that roleplays as a Private Military Corporation, working to become as profitable and powerful as possible. We are primarily activity and event based, meaning, your progression will increase as you show up to events and as you talk in discord. Your rank will not go away for inactivity unless you are an officer, in which case, you will be move to an equivalent Enlisted rank. As we get more members, squads will become established and your progression will be better reflected through your participation in those squads. Outside of that, we aim to provide a community that is truly fun and is truly easy to take part in.

You move up in rank once you've got enough points in the branch you're in, and when you're ready to exchange said points for the next rank. View current points here

The way our ranking system is as follows. As long you are under an OF level you will not lose your rank as we understand there could be an unlimited amount of reasons as to why you're inactive. In fact filling in the form is not even an requirement.






You certainly can! Regardless of what event it may be. As long as the event is public or an friends+ you can, no questions asked. In fact you don't even have to be in the Discord server even. We do have branch events, however depending on the host of such branch event you are more than welcome to request to join in.

All casual events are as they say, casual. You are not required to state why you can't come, we understand. Enlistment events we would like if you gave a reason, but again, not required - same with branch events. The only required time is if you are hosting the event.